Friday, November 11, 2011

Enough With This Joe Paterno Jargon

Stop rioting in the streets PSU, the man deserved to be fired. Unlike the Occupy Wall Street protests, these student riots stood for something but for a twisted something (but atleast they have a cause). But are the students really trying to protect a man who turned his back on a young boys getting molested and raped. Paterno let it happen. He tried to remain blind to the situation and it caught up to him. Think about the victims, the young children who had to experience such pain at the hands of one of Paterno's staff members Jerry Sandusky. These children now older and in their late 20's, are trying to go on with their lives and forget that pain. Protesting the firing of man who did nothing to help these young boys at the time is sick and criminal. Paterno is out and news flash, he hasn't been coaching for about 15 years. The man did nothing. All he did was stroll up and down the sidelines racking up wins that had nothing to do with him. Paterno's legacy will forever be tarnished and he will be remembered for his poor judgement more so than his winning "coaching" career. 
This is bigger than football guys, it's a crime and Paterno deserved what he received. 

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