Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving: Greatest Holiday?

Is there truly a better holiday than Thanksgiving? Mass amounts of food, football on all day and drinking wine with the family. Doesn't get better than that. I mean nobody really knows the history of Thanksgiving and how it all came about but honestly, who the heck cares? I'm sure it didn't involve some pigskin, wine and random family chatter. And it certainly did not contain the Wednesday night rage that happens when everybody is back in town from college. Literally, the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving is an absolute gem of a night. Every just goes absolutely nuts and rages. Nobody has anywhere to be because it's family time the next day. So, everybody is in their homes and when that clock strikes 9, it's time to rage face. You would think that the Turkey Trot at 815 am the next morning would prevent any sort of binge drinking, but it doesn't. The Turkey Trot takes a backseat to raging with the broskis. Game on boys. It's Turkey Day...let's rage it.

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