Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Does Anybody Else Hate Presenting in Front of a Class?

Listen, I have no problem speaking to random people and all that. I want to do a radio show or something later on in life or something (probably of Sirius because it's censored) but I just hate giving presentations to classrooms of kids. I don't know what it is. It's my torture. It's my kryptonite. Literally I will stand up in the class, stutter like a 2 year old with a speech impediment  and become redder than a overcooked lobster. Then the beads of sweat run down the face and that's when you know it's over. The kids are staring at me with daggers in their eyes and I know they're judging me. Nobody feels bad for me, they're laughing inside, snickering saying to themselves "what a tool or his fly is open or his voice cracked" all of which I have gotten from people in my 20 years of life. I'm 20 and the voice still cracks, I don't understand it. So on Thursday I present in front of 25 kids and you know what, as far as I'm concerned they're all in their underwear. End of story. I dare someone to question me, I'll give them a nice wink and a cold hard fact. It'll be the presentation they'll never forget.

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