Friday, March 23, 2012

Why Do We Continue to Make These Creatures Out to Be Cute?

Saw this picture today and the headline was that the shark was giving this diver a "high-five." Are you kidding me? Why in the world do we continue make sharks out to be this friendly, lovable little sea critters that just want to play with us? Newsflash: sharks are cold-blooded murderers. They don't have a heart, they have no brain, they have no soul and they don't care about giving humans high-fives. Sharks for years and years have been striking fear in the hearts of humans and have devastated families so stop making them out to be nice creatures because they aren't. It pisses me off that we think we understand them. And I'm sorry but that is not a high-five. That's just some sweet camera work and an idiotic diver sticking his hand in the way of danger. I mean look at that shark's little grin right there? Can you even trust that at all? There is no reason to associate with these things. They suck. End of story.

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