Saturday, March 24, 2012

Dirty Play or Just a Whiff?

Reminds me of my playing days sort of. Listen, clearly this should be a suspension for the rest of the season for that kick to the face but for the parents to come rushing in is absolutely appalling. As far as I'm concerned it is the job of the players to get their pay back, not the parents. By the parents rushing in it just coddles these young kids and doesn't let them learn the responsibility of backing up a teammate. If a teammate goes down you let the game resume and get your little revenge on the field. The parents just made this is an absolute circus when they though they were actually helping. What you going to fight a 12 year old kid bro? No you're not. Back up and let the kids handle it and let the kids learn the importance of teammwork.

PS-That kid got absolutely decked but I seriously think the kid just whiffed on the ball. Watch it closely, his foot goes right over the ball and follows through on the kid's dome piece. Hope the kid's alright, but he will be, he's a hockey soccer player. How about the kid who comes immediately to his teammates defense. Comes in all hot and then just stops. Sweet move, way to be tough.

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