Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bill O'Brien Says Welker Didn't Drop the Pass...Are You Blind?

Note: The ball is the Lombardi Trophy essentially. 

Bill listen. You did a phenomenal job for us in New England but you managed to completely make me like you a little bit less after this. I have no doubt that Bill O'Brien will lead Penn State to a national championship, that's a fact but come on Bill. The loss still stings and now you have to come out and say he didn't drop that pass? Bill last time I checked a dropped pass was when it hits somebody's hands and they don't catch it. Being that I was about 40 yards away from it I can tell you flat out that Welker decided to put stones in hands on that 2nd and 11 play and he just flat out dropped the ball. No question about it. Don't coddle Welker. Welker has been nothing but clutch for us but now he is going to have to earn that trust back. Bill I am no idiot. I've played a tremendous amount of backyard football games in my day and I literally can relate to Welker in this situation. In the early part of my career, I caught everything thrown my way. Hauled in everything. My YAC yards were through the roof. Then as my career went along I became a defensive liability, couldn't cover and man to save my life and offensively still made catches but wasn't making the clutch play. When my team needed me, I just wasn't picking up the first downs or punching it in for 6. I had a few games here and there but I went in the tank. I became less reliable. I became a pre-madonna out there and got cocky. Thought I was above the league. Well, my career ended like TO. I'm washed up and can't even find a team that wants me. Are we seeing the end of Welker too? It's possible. That catch has to be made. That was the one play between us and a 4th title. So don't baby him Bill, grow up.

PS- And if anybody wants to come at me and say that it was Brady's bad pass that caused the drop I will literally tear you a new one. I would get so heated in that argument that you'd probably end up bawling your eyes out after. Don't do it. Do not tread into that territory. You've been warned.

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