Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Facebook Statuses Used to be Ridiculous to the Nth Degree

So tonight I just recently installed that new timeline thing on Facebook and I just went hambones looking back through the years at all my statuses, posts, the whole nine yards. After about an hour of browsing I came to the conclusion that I was by far the biggest tool slash softy on the planet my freshman year of college. Some of the statuses that I put up were absolutely some of the most ridiculous things and no man should ever put up. For crying out loud, I posted song lyrics and no not the song lyrics from like Drake or Sam Adams which is acceptable, but rather song lyrics from these random bands that had a sweet line in the 40th verse of their jam sesh. I was literally turning red I was so embarrassed by some of the stuff that I had posted. I really should've invested time in getting a Twitter and not putting you all through that horse garbage. Well, I guess it was a maturing process. I guess all the bizarre song lyrics have been replaced by sports rants, but don't lie guys, you all love that.

Probably posting some sick boy band song lyrics on Facebook...yeah bro!

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