Thursday, March 29, 2012

Today In Temper Tantrums

Talk about just absolutely losing your cool in every possible way. I get it, you seem to be on a break about to take the ball into the corner or to goal and some wimpy defender just clips you. Trust me, it was one of my go to moves back in the old playing days of the kid. Thankfully, nobody ever got up and started just throwing haymakers because if he did, we would have had an all out brouhaha. All I got was either a nice 'F' bomb or they'd talk about my girlfriend or mother which I then would respond to with a nice wink. Aside from this outburst, can someone explain to me what number 5 was doing when she saw her teammate just getting absolutely ragged on? She goes over to try and help her teammate up but her teammate was too busy getting the business. This has to be the worst attempt at trying to stand up for a teammate. How about stepping in to break it up possibly? The woman in the elastic jean pants was slow on the scene as well. The reaction to the situation was just horrible. This isn't the NHL, it is high school girls soccer. You can't just let a fight rage on like this. Worst teammate award goes to number 4 and as for the woman in the pants, let's hope she's not hosting any pasta parties.

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