Monday, March 19, 2012

Clinic on the Cape Offering Pizza in Exchange for a Vasectomy

Saw this little headline and had to bring it up and frankly I'm offended. Is my manhood only worth a measly pizza pie? I mean come on. What is it with this stereotype that all men will do anything for pizza? Listen, I love a nice pie, but if I'm going to go through a procedure that is dicey and quite interesting (staying PG), I would hope I'd get more than just a pizza. Essentially the underlying message is that your boys are only worth 8 slices of pizza. Don't talk to me about reverse vasectomies because those don't exist. Once there's a snip you lose part of your manhood. Give me a flat screen TV for free and I'll order myself a pizza. I think my boys are worth more the 8 dollars. Cape Cod for the win. Not. Just taking man cards one by one. I couldn't even imagine living my life knowing I couldn't have a little nugget child. Horrible, just horrible. Goosebumps.

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