Monday, March 26, 2012

The Jets are the Skinny Model, The Jags Were the Real Woman...You All Know How I Feel

At one time an honest, people person and a role model, Tebow is slowly falling victim to the ways of the oh so loved New York Jets. Never has there been a more anticipated press conference for a backup quarterback in the history of the NFL. Check that: never has there been more attention given to a backup player period and it's all because of those Jets. Why are they doing this to the kid? Why are they putting him up against the ruthless, fake New York media? This media outlet expects too much from teams that are just mediocre and get a championship once in a while. Rex Ryan and Tony Sparano coaching Tebow? This has to be the most ridiculous clash of characters I've ever witnessed in the world of sports. This clash is probably worse than me dating a skinny Victoria's Secret model. She's just not my type. Tim on the other hand is just straight settling right now. He's slumming it right now. He doesn't need to be with this skinny model, he needs to be in Jacksonville with the supple Jaguars who are a whole lot of woman. Besides it's his hometown! Let this be a lesson to you kids: if she's not your type, don't force it. Just watch this press conference, it is more forced than anything I've ever seen.

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