Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bridgeport and Hartford Are Two of the Most Productive Cities in the World...Say What?



How is this possible really? How is it that Bridgeport, Connecticut and Hartford, Connecticut are two of the most productive cities in the world. Hartford happens to be number 1 in the world and apparently it is the insurance capital of the nation. I don't understand that at all. When you drive by the skyline of Bridgeport it looks as if every building is deserted and you don't dare to walk along the streets. When you drive by Hartford it looks just depressing and sad. I mean for crying out loud, it couldn't even house an NHL Hockey team in the Whalers. When you live in Fairfield you are really taught not to wander into Bridgeport. Sure there are some nice parts of Bridgeport, but for the most part this place has seen better days, not to mention the crime there is through the roof. Hartford is no fantasy land either. It was recently the top 10 most dangerous city in the nation. But hey, I guess it is touching on both sides of the spectrum. I'm so confused it's unreal. Someone offer me some sort of an explanation.

Fun Fact: Bridgeport actually used to be a top place in the nation to live. Then corruption took over and now it is what we see nowadays. 

Even the makers of Family Guy know what's up...40 second mark. 

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