Friday, January 27, 2012

Younger Kids are More Mature

Honestly this has got to be one of the top stories of 2012 already. Kyle Williams, the man who basically blew it for the Niners in the NFC Championship game has been receiving death threats towards him and even his family. Kinda shows the desperation of the San Francisco fans for a Super Bowl, but nevertheless maybe us Tweeters and grown-ups can sit back and learn from a 7 year old boy who composed this letter to Kyle Williams.

Yeah it's from a 7 year old but sometimes those little nuggets understand the world better than us big tough adults. Who are those people who sit back and fire off threats to someone? Make you proud guys? Make you feel tough, make you feel more important? Clearly if you're someone firing off these tweets and texts and mailing him letters and whatever it is you whackjobs do you need to check yourself. Yeah you may have a job with a boss, but maybe you should reassess your life and get a life coach, and you can start by hiring this young kid. Athletes provide us with an escape, an escape from life and we look up to these guys. Sometimes a 7 year old knows more about life than a 30 year old does. Do we grow more immature as we age?

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