Friday, January 27, 2012

The Wonderful World of Sports

     I have been told time and time again that "I take sports too seriously" and that these athletes aren't saving lives so therefore they get way too much respect. To whomever has said that to me or anyone, you're absolutely WRONG. Sports are able to provide us with feelings that cannot be captured in any other circumstance or event. In sports, there's no script, there's no guarantees. You watch actors and actresses on the big screen and yeah sure you escape from the world but in that movie there is script and it is guaranteed that the movie will end. You walk out of the theater saying "wow great flick" or "I was disappointed." Then Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Liam Neeson (boss) go back to being themselves, their own person and disconnect from their characters they played. In sports, you don't play a different role. You are on the field as Tom Brady, you come off as Tom Brady. A loss sits with you, a win sparks a smile. Actors and actresses have it easy. They just have to provide entertainment. Athletes have two jobs, to go out and entertain and to go out and play well enough so they can keep their JOB.
     After the events of September 11th, 2001 where did we as a nation turn for happiness in a time of shock and sadness? We turned to the New York Giants, we turned to the New England Patriots, we turned to the world of sports. It provided a sense of security in a time where uncertainty was so high. It provided an outlet from the horrible images of that horrific day. 
    The world of sports represents a world of dreams that were achieved by these athletes. They grew up just like everyone of us. Dreaming to hoist the Lombardi trophy or the Stanley Cup. They are the epitome of the phrase "dreams do come true." Some came from nothing, some came from wealth, but regardless of where one comes, the ability to dream is embedded in the human mind. Sure, did I ever want to play a professional sport, of course what 6 year old didn't? This what sports do. They provide opportunity to our nation and provide our nation with an outlet. It gives citizens of our nation something to talk about at the water cooler and gives us a chance to reach out to other people that we may never have talked to. Sports is truly one of the biggest aspects of this nation and it provides us an escape. It brings us the greatest of feelings, and the emptiest. It sparks tears of joy and tears of pain. Sports are real, not scripted and last time I check our lives aren't scripted either. It really is the Wonderful World of Sports.

Says it all. 

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