Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The NFL Loves the Packers

Listen, I hate the Giants and any New York team that exists with every cell of my body but I'm glad they sent Aaron Rodgers packing. But when it comes to obsessions and infatuations, the NFL, ESPN and everybody else absolutely loved the Packers. The Packers were the biggest pretender of the year by far, I was saying it day 1. While everyone was talking about how bad the Patriots defense was, the freakin' Cheeseheads were ranked 2nd to last in defense but yet we praised them time and time again. As we saw this weekend, the refs apparently developed a fetish for the Packers as well with calls like the one below. All in all this makes the Patriots road to a 4th Super Bowl in 10 years much more likely with only the Niners and the Giants remaining, oh and the Ravens but whatever Ray Lewis. Suck it NFL, you're beloved Pack are gone.

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