Monday, January 23, 2012

How Classy is New York?

Sweet question. Honestly, we are not even 24 hours into the whole trash spitting Super Bowl matchup and I already have to deal with this garbage. Funny thing is, New England is home to the most dominant sports franchises of all time. Sure certain cities have their powerhouses, but Boston is home to 4 power houses. In that past 10 years, Boston has enjoyed 7 championships. So this little immaturity but that collection of buildings called New York is just trash. I love the city but the people in and around just don't know sports, don't know greatness. Isn't it funny that the worst moment in New England sports was over 80 years ago. Idiots. It clearly was in 2007 when our perfect season was ruined. You guys can't even get that right? Oh how inexperienced you people are. Hashtag suck it.

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