Monday, January 30, 2012

Too Much Valentine's Day Chatter Already

Honestly what is the point of Valentines Day? I'm seeing statuses on Facebook "someone be my Valentine" or "I don't have a Valentine." There's is not a soft spot in my heart for any of these "pity partyers." Somebody please explain this to me. Why do we celebrate this day? Why does this nation just have an absolute obsession for red hearts with arrows through them. I'll tell you one thing, when I see a heart with an arrow through it, I get queasy right away. That's not lovely or romantic, it just looks flat out bizarre. I whole heartedly feel that the only reason Valentine's Day exists is so you can make up for cheating on your significant other on New Years. See here's the method to my madness. The morning after your New Years rage, you call him or her and explain what you did and how you are really sorry. He or she will then be mad and not talk to you for about a month, but don't worry because Valentine's Day is right around the corner. So bam, this day comes around and now you have an excuse to buy chocolates, flowers, a ring, a car a new bed, whatever floats your boat. By shoving gifts in his or her face to get them back on Valentine's Day, it's like fishing with dynamite. They are guaranteed to take you back. So for the love birds out there that cuddle and watch a movie on Valentines Day, this day isn't for you. It's for the people who had a sweet New Years celebration. So please, leave the gift giving and dinner dates to those people and love birds just stay home.

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