Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Brad Marchand Suspended for Five Games?

What an absolute joke. I was at this game and the place was going nuts. First off, they called this penalty "clipping." I used to clipping being a 15-yard penalty and me pulling my hair out after a nice punt return, not Marchand just taking Sami Salo and making him go flying. The hit was clean. It states in the rules that a hit below the knees is what warrants a game misconduct, not at the thighs. Now I'm not a doctor but I seriously think the knees were below where Marchand hits him. Now he gets suspended for 5 games? Absolute garbage. Is it not evident that Marchand was clearly trying to protect himself in this situation? Salo was coming around the boards ready to take Marchand's head off. Bravo Marchand, clean hit in my book my man. Keep playing the way you do.

Hey Alain, first of all your name is Alain. Secondly, how about you shut your trap. Salo and the rest of your team is too weak and scared to play like the Bruins do. What are you going to go take care of Marchand? Big tough guy huh? Why'd you lose to us in the Cup my man? You lost because you got outplayed, and outmanned. Your team lives for the power play and you cannot sit here and tell me Salo doesn't bait Marchand into doing that. Take a seat Alain, where's your ring pal?

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