Monday, January 23, 2012

Flacco Outplayed Brady, Blah, Blah, Blah

Yes, Flacco did outplay Brady. He did to put it simply. Brady was horrid, made stupid decisions and forced too many balls. But ladies and gentlemen may I remind you of what you have been saying all season such as:

  • "the pats defense sucks"
  • "31st in the league"
  • "can't stop a nosebleed"
  • "Sterling who?"
So basically, when any quarterback plays against my defense, they are going to look good. How do you think Flacco would have looked if he was throwing against his Ravens' defense. Exactly not too good. My point is that it is impossible to compare quarterbacks in a game. Last time I checked, they don't line up against each other and go toe to toe. Brady is the one of the best QBs of all time and if he gets his 4th ring, he will indeed be the greatest of all time. So let's all get our panties out of a wad and understand that it is impossible to compare two quarterbacks in a game. Besides, if you aren't a Giant fan at this point in the season then you probably should be focused on criticizing your own team before you start ripping into mine. After all, I'm in the Super Bowl...again.

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