Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Brady v. "A Nobody"

That's exactly what Tim Tebow is. He is a nobody. Throws a couple of strikes here and there, beats some lousy teams and then ends up squeaking by Pittsburgh, a team that was truly walking on one leg. If Big Ben is healthy and Mendenhall is playing, Broncos lose that game by about 40. So now Tebow is going to into New England where it is safe to say, he stands no chance. Tebow is a typical product of media hype. When Tebow loses this Saturday night in New England, he becomes a nobody and the media drops him and his little antics. The Pats went into Denver Week 15 and absolutely dismantled him, he then goes off the following week and gets trounced by the Buffalo Bills. Listen, love his spirit, love his competitiveness, but he can't match up to Brady and certainly can't manufacture enough points to stay in the game. So media, let's stop hyping this game up like Tebow even has a chance. Pats vs. Ravens AFC Championship game and let's just leave it at that.

Sweet hat bro. He needs to be bounced out.

Oh and Denver, you know that guy you despised so much Josh McDaniels? Yeah he is on our sideline this weekend. How quickly you fans forget that McDaniels was the one who drafted Tebow and Demaryius Thomas the two players who gave you the victory on Sunday. Prepare for the wrath of Josh. Later Denver.

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