Monday, October 17, 2011

What is the Deal With Halloween?

I hate it, to put it simply. Someone please tell me what is the point of putting on a costume that smells like absolute toxins and painting your face and going around collecting candy. I mean nobody goes Trick-or-Treating in college anymore so what is the point of dressing up. I mean the only reason I dressed up when I was young was because I knew that was the only way I would fill up my pillow case with all sorts of goods. I literally was the same thing for Halloween for 5 years straight. I hated dressing up, hated it. I was like in 7th grade when I asked my mom is I could stay home and help give out the candy. And why is it attractive to put big spiders and skeletons outside your house? I saw a house that literally had like a gremlin on it's front steps and it was absolutely terrifying. Why would you want to come home to that after a day at work or of school? These things are life-size decorations that scare the blazes out of someone. Half the population hates getting scared and won't see scary movies but come Halloween the skeletons and witches are everywhere.

Everybody is college loves it because it is the one night where girls can put on or put "off" whatever they want. Yeah it's nice but by 7 o'clock on Halloween everybody's costume is irrelevant and honestly isn't funny anymore. The moment someone walks into a party everybody is like "wow that is such a good costume." An hour later with a few bronsons in them, the costume is irrelevant. I'm all about partying on Halloween, but leave the 2-dollar fabric and cotton at home. I don't need to be smelling rubber masks and getting paint all over me all night.

This was literally my costume every year...

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