Friday, October 14, 2011

Sweet GW


So down at GW this weekend Bill Maher is the special guest at Parent's Weekend. Great pick. The guy is funny, knowledgeable and though he may make some controversial points, he's a good act. Last  year it was Jimmy Fallon, another great pick. But this year kids at my school feel that Bill Maher was a bad choice because he doesn't like religion. Okay and your point guys? I'm telling you my school has to have the biggest babies on the planet. He doesn't like religion so let's protest Maher coming? Newflash Dutch, Gompers and Johnson...the world isn't going to agree with everything you stand for. Yeah sucks, but instead of signing petitions and getting pissed off at the decision why don't you just ignore it? There are plenty of things that I could run and sign a stupid paper for a protest but I respect the views of others and understand that people have different views. Apparently some kids at GW are immune to the whole "disagreement" aspect of life. They just feel that everything needs to cater to their needs and if it isn't then they just go nuts on the stupidest things. If you don't like the idea don't buy a stupid ticket to it! It's that simple. Go study or write a paper as opposed to signing petitions and getting angry over something that is completely irrelevant.

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