Friday, October 21, 2011

My Go to Dance Move for the Night

So Friday night is upon us and everybody is texting people frantically asking what everybody is doing. I"m very casual about all this. I just kind of go with the flow. But if it's one thing I know that I'm doing is that I make sure I know my dance move for the night. Last weekend I was introduced to the shark-fin approach but I'm not going to whip that out just yet. That move is just too good to waste on just an average Friday night. No tonight I'm going to abandon the lawnmower, light bulb and robot and go with something a lot more simple and classy. I don't want to draw too much attention to myself tonight and kind of remain on the low. I mean there have been times where just circles have formed around me as a I was just shredding the dance floor. Break dancing, juggling beer bottles, the whole nine yards, just sweet swag. But tonight I'm going with this approach...

All night. The dance move of champions baby.

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