Monday, October 10, 2011

What Exactly is the Point of "Occupy Wall Street?"

This whole "movement" as they are calling it known as "Occupy Wall Street" just screams communism and brings back the memories of Soviet-Russia and it's scary. So essentially this 99% of people are clogging the streets and doors down on Wall Street just to begin promoting communism. These people complain that there is a gap between the rich and the middle class and that it's growing. They want this gap to shrink, they want the rich to be taxed because they want an equal playing field. So essentially what I am trying to say is that this entire protest on contradictory to their argument. By going on Wall Street, acting like caged animals and disrupting the flow of a regular business day, they are just making the gap appear bigger and bigger. All these "occupy" protests are increasing the distance between Americans both on socioeconomic terms and nationalistic terms. What happened to the sense of nationalism in this country? Did we forget that 9/11 was only 10 years ago? The day after that horrible morning there were flags everywhere, outside every house, on every flagpole. But now, people seem to be wearing their own flag, their own colors and if this country wants any chance at remaining a super power, the people need to start sporting the same colors. Criticizing people and and protesting somebody's day at work isn't helping the cause.

It truly is not fair to go and ridicule and protest somebody on Wall Street that earned their way to that role. It's not right to diminish a CEO or a millionaire just because they worked hard to get to the point where they are now. Yes, some of them were born into money and inherited it (there's an inheritance tax just in case these "occupiers" didn't know). But others went to college, spent the money to go to college, went to graduate school and invested their time into studying business and making the most of the opportunities that this country has to offer. Success isn't handed to you on a silver platter. It's not postmarked and shipped to you. You want something, you work and you earn it. These protesters are nothing but frustrated individuals who need to look at themselves in the mirror before they go off taking over Wall Street.

I will consider going down to one of these protests and asking one these "occupiers" "what is the definition of capitalism?" And then I'll ask, "in what part of that definition is the government involved in the economy?" Simple answer: IT'S NOT.

These protesters mine as well go around and do this...

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