Monday, October 10, 2011

Fairfield County Traffic Ranked One of the Worst in the United States...SHOCKING

This comes as absolutely no surprise to me. A routine trip to Stamford from Fairfield takes only about 10-15 minutes...yeah at 4 am. Driving from Fairfield to anywhere on I-95 whether it'd be only one exit or five will take you an eternity, guaranteed. I was actually just saying this summer that the traffic in the area has gotten severely worse, and got bad very quickly. Low and behold, our friends down at Texas A&M conducted a study showing that Fairfield County drivers were delayed an average 54 hours in 2011 as opposed to only 12 hours in 2010. I literally could listen to my entire iPod twice when driving on I-95 before reaching my destination and I have over 3,000 songs on it. But why is traffic a good sign for our area? The jobs are there, the jobs are back and people are beginning to get back to work in Stamford and New York City. But as for a Sunday afternoon to be bumper to bumper which happens consistently, I have no answer. Maybe the narrow, bumpy 3 lanes have something to do with it.

For the record only Washington, D.C, Los Angeles, Chicago and Houston rank ahead of us.

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