Wednesday, October 26, 2011

NHL Network Coming to Stamford

Couldn't be more excited. The NHL Network is finally going to have it's headquarters in the heart of hockey country. The best hockey state in the nation. Of course I'm kidding but I am still thrilled that this is happening. I am one of the few people that love the NHL and follow it and more people should. I'm that this move attracts more people to the NHL and promotes interest throughout the region. Maybe Fairfield University will muscle up a hockey squad and the town could start having a college puck team. I don't know. Obviously I don't know if this move will help promote the NHL in our area but I'm speaking optimistically. It'll create jobs for the region and more families may become hockey families. I would love to see the days in February where people across Fairfield County are rocking some hockey sweaters. Nothing better than a good hockey sweater. Hell of a look.

NBC Sports as well is moving 450 jobs to the Stamford Region. Dan Malloy, governor of Connecticut, is killin' it. Dan the Man indeed.

Theme song is on repeat!

Thought I'd relive my glory.

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