Monday, October 17, 2011

50 Percent of Americans Approve Legalization...

This is scary. Our unemployment rate is at 9 percent and we are interesting a legalizing something that is only going to make us more lazy. I want a CEO high as a kite when going to work in the morning. I want him driving like the highway is a video game. You have got to be kidding me? If we legalize weed all we are doing is cutting the amount of money we put into certain trials of some 20-year kid who gets caught smoking in a train station parking lot. Sure, I'd love to watch President Obama with bloodshot eyes give the State of the Union. It'd be sweet. I got news for you, there are already too many people not working, we don't need more just sitting on the couch, eating Tostitos chips watching "Planet Earth" and being absolutely mesmerized by it. You want to see our economy absolutely tank then make the greenery legal. This act would also finally put Sean Paul back on the map. This guy was demanding this back in the early 2000s. Sean Paul for President 2012!

Oh dear...

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