Monday, September 19, 2011

So They're Putting Condoms in Our Dorms?

So I don't know what the deal is with everybody else's college but apparently my school has decided to place condom dispensers in all the residence halls. I'm glad my tuition money is going towards purchasing rubbers for students who can't march to the local 711 and slur the words "can I have the Trojan blue box please?" It is very simple, and we are all men and women now, it's not embarassing to ask for a box of condoms. But see the thing about condoms is that it's like eating spinach or any vegetables, yeah they are good for you but they're not necessary. Yeah scary situation but I don't want my parents money going towards people irresponsibleness. This is indeed rich. As my good ol' roommate Tyler McDonald said "If you can't go purchase condoms at a store, then you probably shouldn't be having sex." Well put sir, well put. The link to this outrageous article is below...

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