Monday, January 23, 2012

Way Too True

There are some chicks that understand sports and it is literally the hottest thing ever. Then there are those who straight up just try to act like they know what's going on so that the guy they're trying to get with will make a move. Ladies, it's obvious when you clearly know nothing about what is going on. The way I view it is, if a chick can talk hockey with me, then she is a true sports fan. It's the X-factor. If a chick knows that Rex Ryan is a tool, then she's legit. If a chick is a New York fan then step aside honey, I want nothing to do with you.

A Real Chick is one who...
1. Roots for all Boston, not just one of the teams and despises New York sports on a cellular level.
2. Thinks that Brady rocking Uggs is the most legit thing ever.
3. Will get into a fight with an opposing female-fan at a stadium, arena or bar.
4. Will not paint her face in support of the team.
5. Will be able to tell me who the player is that she dawns on the back of her jersey.
6. Can talk hockey like there is no tomorrow.
7. Will drink beer and a sporting event, not cranberry vodkas.
8. Appreciates the art of tailgating.
9. Understands that the big game may take priority over her needs.
10. Will cry with you if your team goes down.

None of this ladies.

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