Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Someone Explain to me what this "Kobe System" is?

I get it. The man is hurting after getting stripped of half his earnings by his wife. He's down, he's hurt but I legit don't understand what this whole thing is. I think he hit the panic button. These commercials just started sprouting up right after the divorce. He's got stars galore in his commercials but the idea of a commercial is to sell something the only problem is, what is the thing? I mean, if they are kicks then this commercial is awful. He keeps ranting about this system and how it'll make you "elite" (Eli needs them) with some weird triangle diagram. Dude, Kobe I respect your play, I respect that you are indeed the greatest player since Jordan but my man I prefer Jordan's "Hanes" commercials to your pointless jabber. Check yourself Kobe.

What is this little triangle diagram? Just like Lady Gaga is messing with us, Kobe is starting to do the same.

MJ #FTW...

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