Monday, January 30, 2012

The New York Post Still Exists?

Isn't this the paper that you see thrown around on New York city streets all torn up and being walked over by pigeons? Yeah, that's what I thought. I know a decent amount of sports writers out of New York City but I got to be honest, I couldn't name one writer from the New York post, nevermind even knowing that it still existed. I mean I live right outside of New York and I legitimately see nobody carrying around this piece of trash. Now they come out with this headline? Are they just trying to stir the pot? I mean I respect a good "back and forth" before a big matchup but this is just flat out forced. Brady was not taunting anybody. Brady is not focused on revenge, he isn't focused on trying to prove people wrong. Brady is just flat out on a mission and is bitter. When Tom is bitter...look out. He's getting that fourth ring. Again this is just classic New York sports trying to make a statement to appear to be more than it really is. How old are we honestly? Can we act like adults? Just because you guys live in the shadow of the New York Times doesn't mean you have to go around making something out of nothing. Brady doesn't care about your headlines. Stop trying to be relevant. Nobody knows this paper exists.

P.S.- You know your newspaper isn't really good when on your sports front page you have Empire City Casino advertising. Desperation at its finest.

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