Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Talk About Crapping Your Pants...

Just saw this story about an hour ago. Apparently, a British Airways flight on its way to Miami to London scared the absolute daylights out of passengers by playing a recorded message stating that the plane was about to make an emergency water landing. As it turns out, the flights attendants played the wrong recording. This is grounds to fire all them and never allow them to even step foot on a plane ever again. But let's look deeper into this story shall we? Essentially, the moral of this story is that if this plane was actually going to land in the Atlantic the last words of instruction that the passengers would hear would be from a robot. Are you freakin' kidding me British Airways? The pilot can't grow a pair and say to the people "Hi ladies and gentlemen we are going to crash because I suck at flying planes."Not to mention after they realized mistake, they played another recording to ignore the water landing warning. You couldn't get on the freakin' loud speaker and say it yourself you nutjobs? No, we rely on the robot. Second off, with the exception of Sully making that amazing water landing in the Hudson River a water landing is a polite way of saying we're all dead. For some reason I feel that the middle of the Atlantic Ocean has a little different temperature and wave heights than that of the Hudson River. I don't know just a guess. I have never been to Europe but you can bet your rootin' tootin' ace that I won't be flying British Airways.

PS: Over or under 2 minutes it took for the liquor cart to be emptied after this message played.

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