Monday, January 23, 2012

My Point Proven Again...Stay Away From Sharks!

Honestly, enough is enough. What is our infatuation with sharks? We have Shark Week, everybody loves the shark tank at an aquarium and we have movies upon movies based around the damn thing. I don't understand. I am deathly afraid of sharks and everything about a shark. Any type of shark, Great White, Tiger, Whale Shark, Sand Shark you name it, I'm crying like a baby. But yet why do people like the dude pictured above still tempt these things. There is a reason they aren't on land. If they lived on land, forget going to war with other nations, humans and sharks would be fighting an endless battle. Apparently sharks once lived on land and there's a reason why they don't anymore. It's simple: humans and sharks could not co-exist in the same habitat so for the love of barnacles, leave the things alone. Stop tempting them. They don't like us. And if I have to hear one more person tell me how sharks are misunderstood creatures I'm going to whig out. I'm glad they are misunderstood because to tell you the truth we should stop trying to understand them. They hate us, they eat us. I refuse to go in the ocean simply because of these things and I'm okay with that. My land is land and their land is water. They don't come on mine, I don't go in theirs. Hell I understand sharks more than any scientist. I was the kid afraid of sharks in POOLS (still am). The shark and I have a treaty to stay away from one another and that's that.

Right on Marbles...sharks suck.

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