Monday, April 16, 2012

Washington Again Proving Why They Haven't Had a Sports Title Since 1992

If you want to poke the bear that is Tim Thomas, then go right ahead Washington do it. However, let me be the first to warn you that it will result in a 4-1 series loss without question. You literally are going to awake a sleeping giant. So if they all want to wear Obama masks in the stands and think it'll affect Tim Thomas at all then let them have their fun. They can drink their Yuengling, be drunk off of 2 of them and have their fun. I mean I just feel bad for this city. Their sticking up for the federal government essentially after Thomas shunned it but it is the same government that refuses to give DC any sort of rights or representation. Sounds pretty hypocritical to me don't you think? So yeah, rock the Obama masks at least it gives this wretched sports town a reason to cheer I guess.

How'd poking the bear work out for our good friend Roberto Luongo here?

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