Wednesday, April 11, 2012

UCLA Accidentally Admits 900 Students

How do you possibly do this? As one of the top universities in the nation this should be something that should never happen. Put yourself in the shoes of the "Accidental 900." Running around the house thinking they got in and then a day later, the university takes that away and puts them on the waiting list. Ahh the dreaded waiting list. The place where college dreams go to die. As if the process of applying to school isn't hard enough these days. Sweating in SAT classes, dealing with stupid high school teachers who love to screw students and crazy girlfriends are just a few things that happen in the life of a college bound student. Days just drag on and the minute they get the acceptance letter, it gets taken right away. I'll tell you what, if I'm a rival school like USC I'm accepting these 900 students. I don't care. I'll build a new dorm just for them. Give a nice big middle finger to the idiots at the UCLA admissions. You should be ashamed of yourselves UCLA. Your basketball team plays games drunk, your football team only has nice jerseys going for it and now everybody in the nation hates you. Bravo. Check please!

PS- I got a jobs plan for the nation...replace everybody at UCLA Admissions.

I'd react like this...

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