Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ranting and Problem Solving the NFL Crisis

Well, it's Monday night, actually Tuesday morning. Just got done watching the circus show that was the Seahawks, Packers game and all I have to say is that it is unbelievably, utterly embarrassing. A league that is worth about $50 billion dollars is letting its integrity get ruined by a bunch of unqualified zebras who toss flags around like they're playing corn hole. First off, before I dive in here, can I add that these guys don't even throw the flag with any sort of passion. I can remember the old officials who used to just let that thing rip out of their hands. Those things would absolutely sky. Any false start and these flags would drop from the a height of about 100 feet. Insane.

But on to my point. When is this madness going to end? We all saw what happened so I don't need to explain it to any of you. If you haven't seen it then maybe you should think about moving out from under your rock. Clearly, the ball was picked off, Golden Tate acted like a fool trying to rip it away and ultimately the fool in this situation, won. But not to get lost in the sauce here, on Sunday Night Football, another horrific call happened but is anybody talking about that one? Not really. Probably I'm the only one harping on it but it is just as bad as what we just witnessed on MNF. In the Patriots, Ravens game, the Ravens line up to kick a game-winning field goal and their rookie kicker something Tucker, whatever his name is, misses it clearly. Just absolutely pushes it to the right of the upright. Uh, apparently the refs had enough and just decided to call it good and got the heck out of Baltimore. Don't believe me? Shocking. Just have a look for yourself.

Just pause the video at 8 seconds. THE MAN BILLY CUNDIFF"ED" IT!  I mean you have to either blind or just completely biased to not see that this was clearly a shank. Unreal. But this kind of got swept under the rug. Why? Because it's the Patriots. They dominate the league year in and year out and are on the top of every category (except defense) at the end of the year. We all have to feel bad for the 'good boy' Aaron Rodgers but not Tom Brady, the most successful quarterback in the history of the NFL. I mean it's a little mind boggling. It's sad. Every team wants to play it off like its them against the world, but when really in fact it is the Pats against the world. Well, on behalf on my New England faithful, we don't like you guys either. We'll just keep winning games (pending we don't get screwed by refs) and you can take a picture of our trophy case when this season comes to an end. 

PS: I think the NFL should adopt the policy that the NHL has and review EVERY scoring play at the league headquarters. This includes field goals and touchdowns and safeties. Every goal scored over the course of the NHL season is reviewed at one spot in Toronto. It's time to have some consistency and it starts with getting the old officials back. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What is Everyone's View On Gray Hair?

Okay so yeah I'm a young stag so it's impossible for me to have gray hair right? WRONG. Got out of the shower the other day and in the sideburns area I was looking like a President who has been in office for 8 years. The gray hair was just all up in my face. I didn't get it. I still don't get it. Now when people see gray hair on a young stud like myself what do you think? Do you think a) Wow he looks good with that grayness, b) Man, he looks really stressed, c) That kid needs help or d) He just went from being a 10 to a 5. Now another question I have is does the gray hair make me look more professional, more classy? I mean some of the coolest people have gray hair. My dad has gray hair. President Bush has gray hair. Maybe it's a sign of intelligence, or just being the man. For now I can dig it.

How do I look?

My Week 1 Reactions

So week 1 in the 2012 NFL season is in the books and here is all I have to say: the Patriots are going to yet another Super Bowl. I mean is there a team that even comes close to rivaling them at all? Yeah, we saw the Baltimore Ravens run a "fast-paced" offense and put up 44 points against a sub-par Bengal squad, but the Ravens are notorious for choking games away and frankly, they don't scare me at all.

(Exhibit A)

Another thing that I'd like to bring to your attention is the absolute just flat out adorableness of Jets fans. How cute is it that they think Mark Sanchez is good all of a sudden? How adorable is it that they think they found the next Randy Moss in Stephen Hill? I mean for gosh sakes, based on how Twitter looked that Sunday you would think the Jets had just won their first Super Bowl since 1969. Listen, when they face off against the Steelers this Sunday all this hype will be put to bed. Sanchez will go back to his baby ways and the Tebow chants will start by week 5 still. And by the way, they say Rex Ryan lost weight, yeah he is still fat. End of story.

(They felt the aftershocks of that one in Canada...)

As for the Giants, I'm still angry and shocked at what happened in February so I'm going to keep this brief...they're going to be the same old Giants. They will go 8-8 and somehow miraculously make it to the playoffs. They'll lose games and get blown out but still manage to be good. I don't get them. I really don't. I'm so sick of them. I honestly think I throw a better ball than Eli Manning but that guy just has more luck on his side than any other quarterback in history. I feel like he's never been injured and has had to overcome no obstacles. All he does is throw off his back foot and hopes that his defense sacks the opposing quarterback 5 times. That's how the Giants win games. That's all. It's not coaching. It's just pure luck. Luck, luck and luck.

What month does Coughlin get threatened with his job for a 20th year in a row?

As for the rest of the league, nobody looks overly impressive. Maybe Peyton and the Broncos, possibly, but Manning can't beat Brady in the playoffs. Oh and remember this is going to be Peyton's first year outside of that stupid living room that he played in Indy so when the cold weather starts in Denver, let's see how he does. If his playoff games playing in New England are any indication of what's to come, Denver is looking at 7-9. Oh and Cam Newton isn't good.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The One Time When the New York Post is Funny

This is just too good. So good that I also tweeted and instagramed this bad boy. I think if you're a Jet fan right now, you're already selling your season tickets because I saw this team play one half and they are even worse than they were last year. I'm just curious though, what could possibly make a Jet fan excited about this upcoming season? I mean I could think of one thing and that's the fact that Rex Ryan has now reduced his chances of having a heart attack on the sideline by dropping a couple pounds. After that, there's really nothing more to be happy about. But hey, you guys still made it to back to back AFC Championship games right? Remember, you can always hang your hat on that. And if you really want to get creative, you can talk about that Super Bowl you won in 1969. Hell of a year huh?

Monday, August 27, 2012

It's Back to School

Okay, usually the whole excitement of classes starting lasts a whopping 5 minutes. You purchase your notebooks, pens and textbooks and you promise yourself that you will take fantastic notes, read every chapter and be organized. Then, the moment you sit down in that lecture hall and you see your professor wearing a fanny pack, then all that excitement kind of goes away and the notebooks don't seem as cool anymore and the textbooks just look like a waste of paper. Then you get the syllabus and it too is a waste of paper. Then to top it all off you see that you have a good old fashion mid-term on the day you were planning to leave to visit your buddy. Yeah, that pretty much kills the excitement. As you glance over the syllabus, you catch the eye of a girl or guy who you hooked up with but it ended in the most awkward way possible. Chances are you probably stopped texting them or one night when you were a little inebriated, you decided to say some things that weren't exactly kosher.  You then proceed to try to pretend you weren't looking but of course you were. Then comes the whole turning red phase. The face gets hot and now you're a dead giveaway that you were sneaking a peek. These types of events are inevitable. You can't avoid them. They're going to happen and you can't do anything about it. But hey, isn't that what makes college fun?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Can't Stand LeBron But ESPN Trying Too Hard Here

Classic example of ESPN focusing too much on the NBA. This graphic makes no sense. I know Lebron is a choker but this is digging way too deep for proof.

Philadelphia Angry Birds?

This has got to be one of the dumbest publicity stunts I have seen in recent years. Besides the Jets signing Tim Tebow, the Eagles come in a close second with this move. Am I the only one who thought the whole Angry Birds phase was done? I played the game for about 2 weeks, and it got old, just like ever other iPhone game that I download. An iPhone game has the ability to keep my attention for about a week or two, and that's the max. After that, it just sits on my phone and I randomly hit it once and a while, forget to close it and it ends up draining the battery on my phone. I honestly thought this whole partnership between the Eagles and the Angry Birds was a joke, I mean just watch this clip. I'm shocked the Jets didn't try and get in on this. Woody Johnson is so desperate for some sort of headline I would of thought he'd hop on this like a dog hops on a leg. I guess they felt it was safer to endorse cartoon animals as opposed to real ones huh? They wouldn't want Vick getting any ideas now.