Thursday, June 14, 2012

Philadelphia Angry Birds?

This has got to be one of the dumbest publicity stunts I have seen in recent years. Besides the Jets signing Tim Tebow, the Eagles come in a close second with this move. Am I the only one who thought the whole Angry Birds phase was done? I played the game for about 2 weeks, and it got old, just like ever other iPhone game that I download. An iPhone game has the ability to keep my attention for about a week or two, and that's the max. After that, it just sits on my phone and I randomly hit it once and a while, forget to close it and it ends up draining the battery on my phone. I honestly thought this whole partnership between the Eagles and the Angry Birds was a joke, I mean just watch this clip. I'm shocked the Jets didn't try and get in on this. Woody Johnson is so desperate for some sort of headline I would of thought he'd hop on this like a dog hops on a leg. I guess they felt it was safer to endorse cartoon animals as opposed to real ones huh? They wouldn't want Vick getting any ideas now.

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