Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What is Everyone's View On Gray Hair?

Okay so yeah I'm a young stag so it's impossible for me to have gray hair right? WRONG. Got out of the shower the other day and in the sideburns area I was looking like a President who has been in office for 8 years. The gray hair was just all up in my face. I didn't get it. I still don't get it. Now when people see gray hair on a young stud like myself what do you think? Do you think a) Wow he looks good with that grayness, b) Man, he looks really stressed, c) That kid needs help or d) He just went from being a 10 to a 5. Now another question I have is does the gray hair make me look more professional, more classy? I mean some of the coolest people have gray hair. My dad has gray hair. President Bush has gray hair. Maybe it's a sign of intelligence, or just being the man. For now I can dig it.

How do I look?

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