Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The One Time When the New York Post is Funny

This is just too good. So good that I also tweeted and instagramed this bad boy. I think if you're a Jet fan right now, you're already selling your season tickets because I saw this team play one half and they are even worse than they were last year. I'm just curious though, what could possibly make a Jet fan excited about this upcoming season? I mean I could think of one thing and that's the fact that Rex Ryan has now reduced his chances of having a heart attack on the sideline by dropping a couple pounds. After that, there's really nothing more to be happy about. But hey, you guys still made it to back to back AFC Championship games right? Remember, you can always hang your hat on that. And if you really want to get creative, you can talk about that Super Bowl you won in 1969. Hell of a year huh?

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