Thursday, March 8, 2012

The NCAA Is Hands Down The Worst Run Organization and I Hate It

Time for the NCAA to get out of bed with the major conferences and start treating all of its members with the same respect that they give to the Ohio States, Floridas, UConns. It pisses me off. It seems that the NCAA picks and chooses whoever they want to punish based on whether or not that school brings in money and attracts a crowd. I got news for you guys. Grow up. You guys had no problem punishing SMU and giving them the death penalty but yet Penn State gets off with no punishment for years of hiding a crime from the public. Sweet. How dumb and obviously biased are you guys? Now, just the latest example in the NCAA crapshoot is their treatment of the University of North Dakota and their nickname the "Fighting Sioux." The NCAA has threatened to force the women's hockey team to forfeit their first round playoff game, therefore ending their season if they show up to the game with the Fighting Sioux name anywhere on their jerseys. Right but we are allowed to cheat on exams like crazy down at Florida State and run around with Seminoles on our jerseys. Or in South Bend Indiana it's completely fine to have a nickname of the "Fighting Irish." Please. Can I get some consistency NCAA? It's been something that you haven't done in your entire existence. All you do is punish the little guys harshly and slap the big time schools on the wrist when they violate multiple rules. Where is Penn State's punishment? Syracuse just violated their internal drug policies what are you going to do? Let me guess nothing! I got news for you, the University of North Dakota hockey team would beat any Big East team is football any day of the week. Yes their hockey team would destroy your beloved Big East football teams. Rational? No. True? Absolutely.

PS-What is the difference between the name "Fighting Sioux" and "Fighting Illini?" Oh right, Illinois plays in a major conference so we can't touch them. Forgot.

1 comment:

  1. Penn State didn't commit any NCAA violations. Period. Classic Brennan going on an irrational, poorly thought out rant. The tragedy that took place there was purely criminal in nature and had to do with school administration, not athletics, though I understand the football team was part of the story.
