Saturday, March 3, 2012

End of Blue Laws in Connecticut?

Is it the end to Connecticut blue laws? Laws that prohibit the sale of alcohol on Sundays and on other days may all be coming to an end in July. If the vote passes in May, laws that ban the sale of alcohol on Sundays  will be lifted and by July 1st, Sunday will be a day you can purchase alcohol. Connecticut is one of two states left in the nation that still bans the sale of alcohol on Sundays. Many of the mom and pop package store owners have complained about this restriction because they lose business to the surrounding states of New York, Massachusetts ad Rhode Island which have already changed their blue laws. To me, the blue laws in Connecticut are outdated and in times where the package stores are struggling, it seems this is a necessary move to keep these people in business. This move which would go into effect by July would help keep business in the state and CT residents wouldn't take their business across the borders. Somewhere underage high schoolers are rejoicing at this. I've never really been one who's really found the need to buy alcohol on Sunday. I mean I'm all for keeping these little stores in business but buying alcohol on Sunday just always has seemed weird to me I don't know. I mean a man's got to rest right? I mean the fact that alcohol was banned on Sundays is a basic violation of the Constitution. What happened to a little thing called separation of church and state? Let's stick to that and pass this vote.

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