Friday, March 23, 2012

10 Tebow/Jets Jokes

Well, the two biggest jokes in the NFL are finally united. So why not have a little fun?

10. The letters "QB" next to his name.
9. Tebow was really only brought to the Jets so he could help Cromartie look after his 27 kids.
8. Rex has already looked at Tim's feet...and loves them. (YouTube video coming soon)
7. Sanchez was found crying in his locker because he is no longer the best looking bachelor on the team.
6. Tim has blocked Santonio Holmes on Twitter.
5. There is a swear jar located on Rex Ryan's's already full.
4. Sanchez taught Tebow how to "Sanchez" (Just throw your arms in disgust and act like you did nothing wrong).
3. Tim has requested the Jets change their colors from green because green is the color of envy and greed and the Seven Deadly Sins aren't the Tebow way.
2. Rex Ryan is no longer the only virgin in the organization.
1. Santonio Holmes was spotted with Jeremy Lin at a local park learning how to catch bounce passes.


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