Monday, February 27, 2012

Common Occurrences at a College Library

Many of you reading this do not go to my school and I obviously do not go to yours. But if it is one thing I do know, it's that all college libraries contain the same cast of characters in each one. I was in the library tonight and amidst my studious ways, I was able to look around and observe the wonderful thing that is the college library.

1. The Person With Their Music Too Loud
We have all been in that quiet room in the library. Besides the heavy breathers and the turning of book pages, we hear this static noise in the distance. Immediately we are distracted from what we are doing and we cannot help but to try and figure out the song that the person is listening too. Don't lie. We have all done this. We start mumbling the words to see if it fits in with the beat. Before we go over and rip the headphones away from this person, we truly do want to figure out what jam he or she is listening to. Then we finally figure it out, Cinema by Skrillex. Nowadays when trying to decode a song from distant headphones, just assume it's Skrillex. If you hear a high pitched shriek followed by a chain of what are believed to be alien messages, then it's Skrillex. Then, before going over and teaching this person a lesson you realize why you can hear the music, it's because they only have one headphone in. For the love of christ, if you're going to listen to music, please put both headphones in. What are you Vincent van Gogh with one ear? Just put both in and if you aren't going to, turn off your dubstep. 

2. The Awkward Date
Now these are usually two people, male and female that had probably just met each other in class at the beginning of the semester. They decided to exchange numbers and they texted each other to study for the upcoming midterm. Obviously we all know that absolutely no studying gets done in this circumstance. The male wants to be able to take her out over the weekend and he daydreams about the endless possibilities of where this could lead. The female just is hating her life. However, neither the male or female wants to come off as too studious and uptight so they will limit what they bring with them. Usually all you see in front of each of them is their respective notebook and their laptop. That's it. Anything more than that could scare the other party away for being too nuts and neither wants to do that. These two people usually sit themselves at a table away from the crowd, usually against a wall or window so just in case the "studying" gets boring the window watching is always an option. If all goes well, you usually see them walk out together. If the little date didn't go so well she will usually tell him "I have a meeting" or "I'm really tired" (I have experience in both instances). Now whether they sit together in class the next day is completely determined by the library outing. 

3. The Overdressed Bros and Gals
So what's acceptable library attire on a Sunday night? I'd go with the nice sweatpants and Boston Bruins shirt. It's a go to. That's what I was rocking tonight. Had the tunes going, flashcards flashing and the printer was printing. When I stopped to look around I saw a chick in high heels and a fancy blouse and then I saw multiple kids with the button down look. I even saw some people rocking the old jacket, shirt and tie. Okay don't hop on my ace here Frat Bros and Sor Girls I know Sunday night is chapter night but for the love of god just change before coming to the library. Studying in a shirt and tie and jacket must feel awful. My library is hot and stuffy so the pit stains on that blue button down would've been ruthless. Just put on something comfortable. You're not going to a club, nobody picks up chicks in the library and no body is spitting game. You may think to yourself "Oh snap that girl from across the room just checked me out." The answer is that no she didn't she is just bored senseless studying and she happened to catch your eye checking her out. If you pick up somebody in the library then just marry them because spitting game when your on some sort of "study helper" is quite an accomplishment.

4. The Overly Intimidating Nerd
You sit down, settle in at a table and you look around and you spy the kid who has been in the library through the wee hours of the night. They got Starbucks cups littered around them and their hair looks like its been through hell. Every five minutes they give the loud sigh noise and in a way you sort of feel bad for them. However, you then look at yourself and feel like you are a failure because Dutch over here is just grinding through the night and you were probably doing a keg stand at 2 am while he was spitting out all sorts of derivatives. For a split second you say to yourself "I'm pulling an all-nighter" and then a minute or two later you yawn and call it a night.

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