Monday, February 6, 2012

Aruba Offers Pats A Vacation for Losing

Listen, I'm obsessed with Aruba and I'm sorry only winners are allowed down there. I'd allow the entire defense to go down and Brady and Hernandez. Aside from those guys, the rest of them can just stay put and head home, or stay in Indy and continue to get ramshacked. Welker should not even sniff this island or even be given a boarding pass for the flight. What he did yesterday was simply unacceptable. I make that play. I make that catch and I pick up 5 yards after catching the ball. There have been a lot of chokes in Boston sports history but Welker dropping the ball yesterday was number 1 on the list. The reason I say this is because the Sox, Celts and Bruins have all made up for their chokes. Well, the Pats are on the clock to make up for this blunder. You mine as well have called the game right there after he dropped that pass. The look on Brady's face said it all after that drop. Yeah dropped the first down but he mine was well have dropped the trophy because that's what did the squad in.

If Welker is not going to get it done, it is time for him to go. Thanks for the memories Wes but don't get hit by the Duck Tours on the way out of town.

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