Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Brady Quinn Lands All Sorts of Haymakers at Tebow

Of all guys to come out and start just landing jabs, the last guy it should be is the man who rides the pine behind Tebow. No I am not a Tebow fan but Brady Quinn just crosses all sorts of lines here. Does he make some interesting points in his arguments? Absolutely. Does he just violate every rule of being a teammate and having your brother's back? You betchya. For a guy who has only tossed 10 TDs and has given up the ball 12 times, he really has a big mouth on him.

His Statements...

  • "Early in the season, there was a game when Kyle [Orton] got hurt and the coaches were calling for me to go in, but Kyle got up and finished the game out. So I was the second-string guy. Then, a few weeks later, they decided to put Tim in. I felt like the fans had a lot to do with that. Just ’cause they were chanting his name. There was a big calling for him. No, I didn't have any billboards. That would have been nice."

  • "The entire game, the defensive line is chasing the quarterback around, and that wears down the pass rush. Meanwhile, the defensive backs are chasing receivers, but you only throw eight passes, so they start to feel lazy. It only takes that one play, that one big pass, for a touchdown."

He questioned Tebow's humbleness through it all as well. Quinn and I should have a chat soon. It could be very interesting. 

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