Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Most Misunderstood Animal

When one thinks of misunderstood animals people say sharks and other things that live in the haunting place that we call the ocean. But to me, an animal that we don't understand at all is the squirrel. Sure you see them on the side of the road probably dead from a maniac driver or because they lost their balance on a slippery wire. But I ask you to just take time out of your busy day and just watch squirrels just kill it in nature. Is there any animal that is more athletic? These creatures jump from tree to tree effortlessly and scurry up trees faster than the speed of light. They bury acorns in the winter and dig them up at the beginning of spring. These animals are the definition of evolution. So next time your in a car and a squirrel is in the middle of the road, brake for it, that's what they want you to do because they mess with us. Squirrels baby.


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