Thursday, June 14, 2012

Let's Put the Lebron Talk to Bed

Now I'm sure everybody watched the Celtics, Heat series and heard Jeff Van Gundy just take over the Lebron fan base and take charge of it. Van Gundy basically ranted claiming that he doesn't understand why everybody hates Lebron and that we all need to just stop. Listen, Lebron asked for this himself. He claimed that the Heat would win 4, 5, 6, 7 rings and so far they've been close but nothing yet. Lebron is without question one of the best players on the planet. However, not every phenomenal player has what it takes to win a championship. Just take a look at a man who played in the exact same city, Dan Marino. Marino had all the skills that a quarterback needs and yes he is often touted as one of the best to play the position. Lebron I feel is well on his way to being yet another ringless Miami 'great.' Don't get me wrong, he is without a doubt one of the most talented players on the face of the Earth, but you can't teach clutchness and you can't teach desire. I don't think he has the fire inside him to get it done, no matter who is on his team. Yes, he practically carried the Cavs in his days in Cleveland but if he had that fire, he would have stayed there. He panicked, and by panicking he has done nothing but put more pressure on himself. If he still dawned the yellow and red Cavalier uniform, the path to winning a championship would not have been guaranteed, but the pressure would have been less. I thought that maybe his performance in game 6 against the Celtics was him turning the corner, but he simply cannot match the clutch ways of Kevin Durant. It will again be another ringless summer for Lebron.

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