Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Using Death of Bin Laden in Campaign?

Now I'm starting to get sick and tired of the Democrats and Republicans going back and forth as to whether or not Obama should use the killing of Bin Laden in his campaign? To me, it is flat out wrong for one party or the other to take credit for something that should be viewed as a victory for the ENTIRE nation and the world. It is both childish and just flat out embarrassing that the parties are fighting over who should get the credit. Today marks the day that justice was served. It provided closure to all the families that lost loved ones on that September day and for everyone who Bin Laden killed. He was without question the most evil man that had ever walked the earth. But instead of arguing over who should get credit for this, we as nation should just acknowledge what an amazing victory this was for our nation and recognize how much safer we are because of it. Why can't we think of the killing of Bin Laden as kind of a "one-timer" to use a hockey term. Bush had Bin Laden on the run and made the saucer pass and Obama came in and delivered a one time slap shot, top shelf, glove side for the goal. Let's start thinking as the nation as a team and not two competing teams. Of course we all have different views and come from different backgrounds but look at the colors of your flag. Those don't change. Wear your elephant, wear your donkey but when push comes to shove, the stars and stripes should come first. 

1:00 mark and you'll get the point. 

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