Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Marry Me

Okay, I took a little hiatus but I'm back and I'm back with force. This chick will eventually be my wife one day. Accent is phenomenal. Not a huge fan of the hat she has on, she'd probably look better in the traditional Sox hat but I nevertheless, she's awesome.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

RIP Junior Seau

Indeed a sad day in sports. The one time Charger, Dolphin and Patriot was found dead in his home. Police have agreed that the cause of death was most likely a suicide. Seau, who was never listed on an injury report for any head injuries throughout his career, left a note earlier asking that his brain be donated to research to develop further knowledge on head trauma. Obviously his death raises many questions as to whether or not we don't yet know enough about head trauma and whether or not the NFL is doing enough to monitor the health of player's brains. I feel that the NFL is in the beginning stages of becoming more comfortable with assessing the status of concussions and head injuries. You have to wonder how many game Seau in fact did play with a concussion though. His death, an apparent suicide, begs this question. Some speculate that this isn't the first time that he tried committing suicide. Back in 2010, Seau drove his car 30 feet off a cliff after a domestic dispute at home. You have to wonder what the state of his mind was and whether or not the lack of concussion knowledge back then was to blame for the depression he most certainly suffered from. RIP Junior.

Using Death of Bin Laden in Campaign?

Now I'm starting to get sick and tired of the Democrats and Republicans going back and forth as to whether or not Obama should use the killing of Bin Laden in his campaign? To me, it is flat out wrong for one party or the other to take credit for something that should be viewed as a victory for the ENTIRE nation and the world. It is both childish and just flat out embarrassing that the parties are fighting over who should get the credit. Today marks the day that justice was served. It provided closure to all the families that lost loved ones on that September day and for everyone who Bin Laden killed. He was without question the most evil man that had ever walked the earth. But instead of arguing over who should get credit for this, we as nation should just acknowledge what an amazing victory this was for our nation and recognize how much safer we are because of it. Why can't we think of the killing of Bin Laden as kind of a "one-timer" to use a hockey term. Bush had Bin Laden on the run and made the saucer pass and Obama came in and delivered a one time slap shot, top shelf, glove side for the goal. Let's start thinking as the nation as a team and not two competing teams. Of course we all have different views and come from different backgrounds but look at the colors of your flag. Those don't change. Wear your elephant, wear your donkey but when push comes to shove, the stars and stripes should come first. 

1:00 mark and you'll get the point. 

Made My Night

Down 2-0. Showing no signs of even coming close to beating the Heat and Amar'e is out for Game 3. I'm not even going to say anything about the fire extinguisher because I expected something like this to happen to an undisciplined, weak team. The funny thing was the amount of hype and promise that Knicks fans were giving their team. I knew all along that they just flat out stunk. No chemistry, just a bunch of individuals. Tyson Chandler was supposed to come in and help lead the team after winning a championship just a season before. Yeah, the Knick defense improved but boy do they still suck. They're going to get swept back to back years and the "Go NY, Go NY, Go" chants are fading quickly again. Oh how sweet it is. Nothing like watching the Knick fan base just crumble. Wasn't Jeremy Lin supposed to be the answer? The guy couldn't even last half a season, in a shortened season nonetheless. How would you expect him to even come close to having the stamina to go up against the Heat in a 7 gamer? To me, they are still a laughing stock.

PS- Celtics might get Philly in the next round, wouldn't that be something huh?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Another Day and the Jealousy of the Patriots Success Grows

Today's culprit: John Harbaugh, head coach of the ever so "tough" Baltimore Ravens. Honestly, I think the Ravens should have an asterisk next to every single one of their records and wins too. You can't tell me that a bounty system has not been in place with them either. Ray Lewis tries to decapitate people and so does Suggs. As far as I'm concerned, any team that has Bernard Pollard on the roster should be thoroughly investigated. Besides that, I don't quite understand the point that Harbaugh is trying to make here. I mean the Patriots after spygate won 18 games in a season, which no team has ever done in the history of the NFL. The Patriots have been to 3 AFC Championship game since 2004 winning 2 of them. So I'm not sure where spygate even came into play in their championships in 2001, '03 and '04. It just doesn't make sense to me. Listen Jimbo, just because your kicker decided to just absolutely gag the AFC Championship game for you doesn't mean you have to go around pointing fingers and making all sorts of outlandish statements. Granted, I know this is the only way you can probably get any sort of press (aside from choking games away) but respect the game and the greatest team that the league has ever seen. Just focus on how you can choke again. Show those rings Johnny, how many you got pal?

I'd love to hear the 54 percent's explanation. It really would be hilarious.

College Baseball Danceoff

Rain delay between the Cornhuskers of Nebraska and Cal-State Bakersfield turned into some good clean family fun. The bowling ball at 42 seconds has to be my favorite. This is what rain delays are all about. Just a nice little time to let loose and have a blast. Absolutely classic.